
Back to school: Dress codes for Duval, surrounding counties

Duval County Public Schools' dress code:

Code of Appearance

Unless an active uniform policy is in effect directly by the school, the following Code of Appearance guidelines apply to every elementary and secondary school student.  Please contact the school directly for school based uniform policies, and/or any questions.
Administrators and teachers of the Duval County Public Schools shall enforce dress and grooming guidelines that promote the successful operation of the schools. The site administration shall be the final judge as to neatness and cleanliness of wearing apparel and whether or not such apparel is appropriate, disruptive, distracting, or in violation of health and safety rules. Each student has the responsibility to dress appropriately and have respect for self, others and the school environment. Wearing apparel, jewelry (such as body piercing (s), ornaments), hair, and general appearance shall not disrupt the classroom atmosphere, shall not be unusually provocative, and/or shall not violate health and safety rules of the school. These guidelines for dress and grooming are provided to assist parents/guardians and shall apply to all students in the Duval County Public Schools. Student dress and grooming shall be neat and clean, and follow the general guidelines below.

  • Elementary school students are not allowed to wear shoes without closed heels or back straps.
  • Shoes must be worn. However, bedroom shoes or slippers shall not be worn.
  • Halter-tops, tank tops, backless tops, tops with thin or no straps, or tops that show midriff or expose the body are prohibited.
  • See-through or mesh garments shall not be worn without appropriate undergarments.
  • Form-fitting or overly tight clothing shall not be worn without appropriate outer garments.
  • Properly hemmed outer garments such as shorts, divided skirts, and dresses may be worn, provided they are not disruptive or distractive, as determined by the school administration. Garments including, but not limited to, such items as boxer shorts, traditionally designed as undergarments, may not be worn as outer garments.
  • Clothing and accessories shall not be worn if they display profanity, violence, lewd and obscene messages, sexually suggestive phrases, or advertisements, phrases or symbols of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs or other symbols phrases or advertisements that would be offensive to common propriety or decency.
  • Head coverings, including, but not limited to, caps, hats, bandannas, hair curlers, and/or sunglasses, shall not be worn on school property, unless required by a physician or authorized by school personnel.
  • Students are prohibited from wearing clothing that exposes underwear or body parts in an indecent or vulgar manner or that disrupts the orderly learning environment. The waistband of shorts, slacks, skirts, and similar garments shall not be worn below the hips. Clothing which is not worn appropriately, is not properly fastened, is suggestive, or has tears that reveal or expose body parts, has printing with words or pictures that have a sexual connotation will not be permitted. All trousers, including oversized or low-hanging trousers, must be worn and secured at waist level. Underwear, midriff and back may not be exposed. If belts, suspenders, and straps are worn, they shall be worn in place and fastened.
  • Any articles of clothing or jewelry that may cause injury to oneself or to other students are not allowed.

All students must adhere to these minimal guidelines for acceptable apparel and appearance. A school may implement a school uniform requirement through the shared decision-making process, with input from the School Advisory Council. In order to maximize instructional time, students will be given an opportunity to immediately correct dress code violations.

St. Johns County Schools' dress code:

The dress and grooming of St. Johns County Public Schools students shall contribute to the health and safety of the individual, promote a positive educational environment and not disrupt the educational activities and processes of the school. Because inappropriate clothing worn by a student is detrimental to the school program, the wearing of garments suitable for school shall be encouraged. All faculty and administrative staff shall be on the alert to give positive guidance in these matters, without embarrassment to the student.

These rules on personal appearance of students are intended to enable the students of St. Johns County Public Schools to dress casually but reasonably. However, the school principal is the final authority with regard to the appropriateness of student dress. Nothing in these rules shall be construed to pre-empt the principal’s authority to act in specific cases when, in the principal’s judgment and discretion a student’s dress threatens to disrupt the educational process or the good order and discipline of the school, or is otherwise inappropriate.

All Students

  • Personal attire shall not be worn to school if it creates a safety issue within the learning environment. Personal attire may be in the style of the day, but clothing that is immodest, revealing, or distracting in character is unacceptable. Clothing, piercings and accessories shall not be worn if they display profanity, violence, discriminatory messages, sexually suggestive phrases, advertisements, phrases or symbols of alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
  • In accordance with statutory requirements, and as more particularly specified in the standards for boys and girls below, students are prohibited from wearing clothing that exposes underwear or that exposes body parts in an indecent or vulgar manner.
  • Head coverings, including but not limited to, caps, hats, bandannas, hair curlers and/or sunglasses, shall not be worn on campus unless required by a physician or authorized by school administration.
  • Students must wear shoes that are safe and appropriate for the learning environment. Middle school and elementary school students must wear shoes that have a back or strap on the heel. High school students may wear backless shoes; however, bedroom slippers and footwear commonly considered as beachwear is prohibited. (For example, beach sandals, or other such beach shoes, will not be allowed in school).
  • Hair shall be clean and well combed or brushed. Extreme hairstyles will not be acceptable.
  • Skirts, dresses, shorts, baggies, culottes, no shorter than four inches (4") above the top of the knee, are acceptable. Skirts shorter than four inches (4") above the top of the knee worn with leggings or tights are not acceptable.
  • Gang graffiti will not be drawn or worn on backpacks, notebooks, folders, papers, clothing or any other object or on the body of any student or person on school property.
  • Tank tops and shirts are not acceptable except in physical education classes.
  • Any student who attends First Coast Technical College must follow dress code regulations established by each occupational department of the F.C.T.C. (i.e., safety clothing, protective garments, and business attire).

Standards: Boys

  • Boy's pants/slacks must be worn at the waist. No boxer shorts or underwear may be exposed.
  • Mustaches and beards shall be neatly trimmed.
  • Revealing clothing and pajamas are not acceptable

Standards: Girls

  • Tops and shirts must cover the entire shoulder and they must be modest and not revealing or distracting. Midriff or "cut-out" dresses and "cut out" tops may not be worn. Extremely short skirts are not allowed. Skirts must be no shorter than four inches (4") above the top of the knee. Revealing clothing, yoga pants, pajamas and lingerie are not acceptable. Underwear must not be exposed.
  • Hair curlers and excessive make-up shall not be permitted.
  • Girls' pants/slacks must be worn at the waist. No underwear may be exposed.

Enforcement and Waiver

  • The principals or designees will determine the appropriateness of attire.
  • For special events and occasions, principals may grant requests to modify this policy for their particular school.
  • The School Advisory Council may recommend and the Superintendent may grant an individual school's request to deviate from dress requirements. Examples include requiring school uniforms, all shirts shall be tucked in, no shorts, pants must have belts, etc. can be found in the code of conduct.

Clay County Schools' dress code:

In Clay County, we believe the dress and personal appearance of students should be a positive reflection on the family, student, school and community. A good rule of thumb; if there is a question about whether an outfit would be acceptable, choose another. The following guidelines are to be followed:

School Board Rule Section IV, 4.03 ... APPROPRIATE DRESS FOR ALL STUDENTS

  • All students shall be properly groomed and attired when on school property or participating in school activities
  • Students shall be dressed so they will not present a clear danger to health and safety; should be tailored in such a manner that because of fit, design, color, texture, in adequate coverage of the body does not create a classroom or school disruption as determined by administration.

School officials reserve the right to determine if the dress code is being violated.

Permitted Apparel (Secondary Students):

  • Outfits are to be tailored in such a manner so as not to expose the body while in normal activity.
  • Shorts, dresses or skirts should be 3 inches above the knee or longer. If leggings are worn, then the top MUST be the proper length of 3 inches above the knee or longer.
  • Pants and shorts should be worn at the waistline without the necessity of support whether a shirt is tucked in or out and fastened at the top closure. Belts will be buckled at all times if worn.
  • Jeans/pants that have frays/holes above the knee must have something underneath them, such as leggings that cover the skin, so as not to expose skin or undergarments.
  • Shirts must cover the shoulder and not expose undergarments in any manner or the midriff.
  • The neckline of a shirt must limit exposure of the body.
  • Footwear of some type must be worn at ALL times. Do not wear bedroom slippers.

Non-Permitted Apparel (Secondary Students):

  • Apparel with off-color remarks, pictures, or emblazoned with drug, alcohol or tobacco related slogans.
  • Apparel displaying violent imagery.
  • Apparel that is deemed to be tight fitting, such as yoga pants, spandex skirts/dresses, leggings without proper length top, cheer shorts, etc. YOGA Pants are not acceptable attire for school.
  • Sleepwear, such as bedroom slippers, pajamas, etc.
  • Tank tops, halter tops, tube tops, spaghetti straps, mesh/see-through shirts.
  • Muscle shirts.
  • Hats, hoods, bandannas, and caps are not to be worn in class or the buildings unless approved by the administration or for special events.
  • Any apparel or accessory determined by administration to present a safety hazard for the student or the school.

An administrator will determine the suitability of attire in question. Students found to be in violation of dress code policy will be required to change for the remainder of the day. Student refusal to change will result in the placement of in-school suspension for the remainder of the day or until a proper outfit can be brought for the student. Continued violation of dress code will result in disciplinary action.